Linda Sandell, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Publishes Virtual Issue for the Vail Scientific Summit

The journal, published for nearly a half century by the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), focuses on the many varied subjects that pertain to orthopaedic research. Recently, with the emergence and growth of studies in regenerative medicine, the JOR has published articles highlighting topics such as the use of platelet-rich-plasma (PRP), stem cells and senolytics, all terms and subjects that are frequently covered in depth at the Vail Scientific Summit. A Special Issue on Stem Cells in Orthopaedics was published in 2019. View virtual issue here.
“Regenerative medicine is an emerging and important field of orthopaedics. In honor of the importance of research in this area, we have organized a virtual issue of the most popular articles in regenerative medicine recently published in the JOR. We hope that these articles will enrich the knowledge base of the attendees at the meeting and beyond,” said Dr. Sandell explaining the inspiration behind creating the special virtual issue in conjunction with the Summit.
“As we all well know, there is a great deal of information out there in the public that is not necessarily correct about stem cells and different things that you can do to rejuvenate your body,” continued Dr. Sandell. “In the JOR, we really want to give people facts. We’re all scientists here and we want people to understand the scientific basis for stem cells, the scientific basis for PRP or for senolytic drugs. They can read what the scientists say about each topic and look at the original research.”
As editor-in-chief, Dr. Sandell compiled this virtual edition by publishing roughly 25 papers from recent years dealing with topics in regenerative medicine. The virtual entry can be found on the JOR website and is aptly titled, “Regenerative Medicine in Orthopaedics.”
“A lot of the authors are here (at the Summit) today and have also done reviews of other JOR articles over the past year or so,” said Dr. Sandell. “We have some original articles on topics such as PRP and stem cells, all of these things that contribute to being able to regenerate your tissues after an injury, or—as our theme was this morning (at the Summit)—aging.”
Dr. Johnny Huard, chief scientific officer at Steadman Philippon Research Institute and Chair of the Vail Scientific Summit since its inception in 2015, praised Dr. Sandell for the virtual Journal.
“Linda has put together an incredible collection of pertinent articles and studies on how regenerative medicine is changing the way we scientists and physicians have treated patients with orthopaedic injuries,” said Huard. “This virtual JOR has been a wonderful addition to our meeting and serves as a great resource for all of our speakers, participants and attendees.”
Orthopaedics can cover a lot of areas and is a very large subject area. Dr. Sandell points out that the depth of this field of medicine is perfect for the type of publication that the ORS has provided.
“Our publication covers everything in orthopaedics. It’s very general,” said Dr. Sandell. “For example, an upcoming issue of the JOR (January 2022) will focus on how to treat an ACL injury, how to reconstruct it and how to rehab it. You’ll hear from the scientists doing the most up to date research most relevant to ACL injury.”
Speaking as a long-time professor of orthopaedic surgery and of cell biology and physiology at Washington University, Dr. Sandell is partial to her field of expertise.
“As you know, from our smallest toe to our cranium, it’s all orthopaedics,” said Dr. Sandell with a nod to her chosen field of study. “So, I like to believe that orthopaedic research covers a great deal of territory. We have a lot to learn and we have no shortage of material to cover in the JOR.”