The Steadman Clinic, SPRI, and Smith & Nephew Host Annual Vail Hip Symposium

The Steadman Clinic and the Steadman Philippon Research Institute (SPRI) joined Smith & Nephew to present the 2017 Vail Hip Symposium, a three-day event held in January at the Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa at Beaver Creek.
This annual conference, now in its 12th year, is considered the most innovative event in sports medicine for hip preservation. Dr. Marc J. Philippon, Managing Partner of The Steadman Clinic and Co-Chairman of SPRI and one of the leading hip specialists in the industry, has directed SPRI’s efforts in this event since its inception.
With the strong global outreach provided by Smith & Nephew, the Vail Hip Symposium has reached over 1,000 physicians, and has dedicated hours of presentations regarding the newest and most effective methods in treating and rehabilitating hip-related injuries and illnesses. Doctors presenting at the symposium are among the top 1% of leading hip preservation physician experts in the world.
“SPRI and Smith & Nephew continue to bring some of the finest minds in the field of hip-related orthopaedic surgery to this conference every year,” said Philippon. “Together, we can make a significant impact in improving the treatment and rehabilitation of hip injuries. By sharing our findings, we are not only fulfilling our mission of helping people stay active, but improving the quality of life for countless patients across the country. The Symposium has lasting benefits for our society and our country. Smith & Nephew is uniquely qualified to be our partner in this important work.”
“Smith & Nephew has a long and proud history of supporting healthcare professionals in their daily efforts to improve the lives of patients,” said Scott Schaffner, Senior Vice President of Sports Medicine for Smith & Nephew. “Facilitating so many experts in their field to come together to enable peer-to-peer learning is important to us.”
Sessions included presentations and discussions on diagnosis and preoperative planning, revision hip arthroscopy, hip instability, cartilage repair, and post-operative care and outcomes. Friday afternoon and Saturday morning time periods were devoted to breakout sessions and lab group study.
In addition to Dr. Philippon, the primary speakers and presenters at the symposium were Dr. J.W. Thomas Byrd (Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN), Dr. Srino Bharam (Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Lennox Hill Hospital, New York, NY) and Dr. Richard Villar (Founding Member of International Society for Hip Arthroscopy, in private practice at The Villar Bajwa Practice at Princess Grace Hospital, London, England).